Low Interest Credit Cards : These are credit cards that offer low interest rates. These type of cards typically require that you have a good to great credit score/standing to get approved. Chase, Citi, and American Express are the leading providers of low interest credit cards today. These cards typically offer a 0% intro apr for at least 12 months.
Airline Travel Reward Credit Cards : These credit cards typically offer Airline rewards in the form of airmiles. The leading provider of these cards is either American Express or Bank of America. These cards allow you to accumulate air miles everytime you use the credit card. In return you can save on flights all over the world by simply using your credit card. This is the perfect card for the frequent flyer.
Cash Back Credit Cards : Cash back cards offer just that! Cash back on purchases. Most cards offer up to about 5% cash back on purchases. Some require that you make purchases at "selected locations" while others give you cash back on purchases anywhere. Chase has Cash Plus Reward Visa that is currently the leading cash back credit card on the market today.
Instant Approval Credit Cards : The instant approval credit cards require excellent credit! These cards will approve you instantly online with no waiting involved. American Express is the leader in online instant approval applications. In most cases you recieve a decision in less than only 30 seconds.
Bad Credit Credit Cards : Bad credit credit cards are for those looking to rebuild or establish their credit. These are normally going to carry a yearly fee, and require that you make your payments very promptly. Orchard Bank & First Premier Bank are the leading providers of credit cards for bad credit.
Balance Transfer Credit Cards : If your looking to transfer the balance from one card to another then balance transfer credit cards are what you need! These typically offer 0% interest on any balances you transfer from other credit cards onto them. Business Credit Cards : These cards of naturally for businesses. They have high limits and may perks that only those in the business world would really be interested in earning. Business cards normally require good credit standing due to the high credit limit you will recieve. Again American Express is the leader in business credit card offers.
Gas Credit Cards: These cards offer what we all need! Gas rewards! You can earn up to 5% cash back on all gas purchases. Gas credit cards include the shell gas card from Citi and the Chase Cash Plus Reward Visa.
Hotel Reward Credit Cards: These cards allow you to accumulate hotel rewards or "points" you can then redeem the points for free nights at the hotels of your choice. We currently offer hotel cards for the Hilton hotels.
Student Credit Cards : Are you a student? need to establish some credit of your own? Well these are the perfect fit for you. Student cards by CitiBank and Chase offer rewards and credit building to all students.
Reward Credit Cards : Last but not least are the reward credit cards. These just offer airmiles, cash back, reward points, etc. These cards are for those looking to earn rewards for the charges made on your credit cards each day! Reward yourself with a reward credit card.